Lindsey Albracht

Doctoral Lecturer
Co-Director of First-Year Writing
[email protected]

You can find my short CV here.

Research Interests

I write about the intersection of translingual and anti-racist pedagogies, thinking specifically about what cross-racial and multilingual student movement organizing of the 1960s and 1970s can teach us about reimagining the wider ecologies that shape language reception practices in colleges and universities today. I’m also interested in literacy, writing assessment, writing program administration, writing centers, technical writing, and critical digital pedagogy.

Teaching Interests

I primarily teach undergraduate classes on writing, including English 110 and English 115. I also teach courses in the writing minor such as English 200W: Writing About Writing and English 201W: Technical and Professional Communication. Previously, I worked in interdisciplinary faculty education, instructional technology, and as an administrator, teacher, and teacher educator in the field of TESOL.

Selected Publications
Selected Articles

Albracht, Lindsey. “Burning Down the House (And Returning the Land).” Axis: The Praxis Blog, March 2022.

Albracht, Lindsey and Amy Wan. “Beyond ‘Bad’ Cops: Historicizing and Resisting Surveillance Culture in Universities.” Journal of American Studies in Italy, January 2022.

Albracht, Lindsey. “’We Will Know Our Heroes and Our Culture’: Revisiting the Five Demands at the City University of New York Toward Building Critical Transliteracies Ecologies.” Racing Translingualism in Composition: Toward a Race-Conscious Translingualism, edited by Tom Do and Karen Rowan, Forthcoming.

Albracht, Lindsey, Al Harahap, Amanda Rose Pratt, Ranmali Rodrigo, Clare Russell, and Virginia Schwartz. “Response to Inman and Powell’s ‘In the Absence of Grades: Dissonance and Desire in Course-Contract Classrooms.’” College Composition and Communication, vol. 71, no. 1, 2019.