The Writing Minor

The Writing Minor at Queens College is designed to offer students extensive practice writing to enhance their majors. The program enables students to gain experience writing in a range of genres and media–in preparation for life and work in the twenty-first century. The curriculum is flexible, to enable students to pursue their goals and interests. It emphasizes the professional contexts and continuous digital innovations that shape what it means to be a successful writer.

Writing is fundamental to a wide variety of professions–and an asset in most. As scholar Deborah Brandt observes, writing has become more central than ever to the economy —and to the daily work of jobs as varied as media, creative arts, law, human rights advocacy, journalism, publishing, police work, marketing, content creation, software development, and urban planning (to name a very few).

Doctors and EMTs write case reports; professionals in the field of non-profit write reports and grants; journalists write stories, columns, and opinion pieces; content creators write proposals and web content. Writers in all these fields must be deft practitioners of craft and rhetoric–narrative, voice, style, evidence, analysis, structure, persuasion, description.

Who is the Writing Minor for?

Courses in the minor teach these elements from a variety of perspectives in a variety of genres. The Writing Minor thus aims to serve a variety of students:

  • Students who envision a career in writing—broadly conceived from the essayist to the technical writer—and will need to be proficient in multiple genres and for multiple media.
  • Students who will pursue post-graduate opportunities that require them to be excellent writers, including graduate school and/or careers in law, publishing, non-profit organizations, education, or politics.
  • Students who wish to gain experience in writing that will serve them in their undergraduate majors.

What Are the Requirements?

The writing minor is an 18-credit (6 course sequence), with particular requirements in different areas. Students pursuing the minor choose one of three tracks–Writing for Professions, Creative Writing, or Theories and Practices of Writing.

Students are required to take at least one course in each track. For the remaining 9 credits (or 3 classes), students can choose which writing courses to take. Please see the attached advisement sheet for a list of the courses in each track.

Requirements for the Minor in Writing

Required (18 credits)

Only 3 Creative Writing courses (9 credits) can be applied to the Minor in Writing (see the list below). If a course appears in more than one category, a student can choose which category to apply it. See the Writing Minor Advisement Form.

1. Writing for Professions: choose one 3-credit course
English 201W: VT: Writing for Special Fields
English 203W. Writing Science and Technology for the Public
English 221: Editorial Practices
English 392: Composing Digital Media (Variable Topics: web development, video production, podcasting, data visualization, etc,)
English 396W: Writing Studies
English 397W: Seminar in Teaching Writing
English 398: Portfolio Workshop
English 2993: Internship (with permission of the department)
2. Theories and Practices of Writing: choose one 3-credit course
English 200W: Writing about Writing
English 201W: Writing for Special Fields
English 221: Editorial Practices
English 204W: Writing from the Field
English 205W: Methods for Writing Research
English 394W: Writing Multilingualism
English 396W: Writing Studies
English 397W: Seminar in Teaching Writing
English 398: Portfolio Workshop
MEDST 223. Media Writing (Starting Fall 2022, or by permission of the department for Spring 2022)
3. Creative Writing: choose one 3-credit course
English 190: Reading as Writers
English 200W: Writing about Writing
English 221: Editorial Practices
English 301W. Fiction Workshop
English 302. Playwriting Workshop
English 303W. Nonfiction Workshop
English 304: Poetry Workshop
English 392: Composing Digital Media (Variable Topics: web Development, video production, podcasting, data visualization, etc.)
English 396W: Writing Studies
English 398: Portfolio Workshop
MEDST 245: Screenwriting
MEDST 246: Art of the Adaptation
4. Electives: choose three 3-credit courses (a total of 9 credits)
(Note that the same course cannot be used as an elective if it was used to fulfill one of the required areas 1-3 above.)

English 190: Reading as Writers
English 200W: Writing about Writing
English 201W: Essay Writing for Special Fields
English 203W. Writing Science and Technology for the Public
English 204W: Writing from the Field
English 205W: Methods for Writing Research
English 206: Writing Studio (1 cr.)
English 210W: Introduction to Creative Writing
English 211W: Introduction to Writing Nonfiction
English 221: Editorial Practices
English 2993: Internship (with permission of the department)
English 301W: Fiction Workshop
English 302: Playwriting Workshop
English 303W: Nonfiction Workshop
English 304: Poetry Workshop
English 382: Composing Digital Media
English 394W: Writing Multilingualism
English 396W: Writing Studies
English 397W: Seminar in Teaching Writing
English 398: Portfolio Workshop
MEDST 223: Media Writing (Starting Fall 2022, or by permission of the department for Srping 2022)
MEDST 245: Screenwriting
MEDST 246: Art of the Adaptation

The Minor

To meet the requirements for graduation as a Writing minor a student must maintain an average of 2.0 in the required and elective work in Writing and complete the course sequence described in the box on this page. At least 12 credits in the minor must be completed at Queens College.

What Courses Are Currently Offered?

Spring 2022 Writing Minor Electives
The following courses offered in Spring 2022 satisfy the four area requirements of the Writing Minor. Please note that the same course cannot be applied to more than one area requirement.

Area 1: Writing for Professions (3CR)
ENGL 201W, Writing for Special Fields
ENGL 221, Editorial Practices
ENGL 2993, Internships*

Area 2: Theories and Practices of Writing (3CR)
ENGL 200W, Writing About Writing
ENGL 201W, Writing for Special Fields
ENGL 221, Editorial Practices
ENGL 2993, Internships*

*please contact Prof. Jason Tougaw at [email protected] to inquire about
internship credit.

Area 3: Creative Writing (3CR)
ENGL 200W, Writing About Writing
ENGL 221, Editorial Practices
ENGL 301W, Fiction Workshop
ENGL 303W, Non-Fiction Workshop
ENGL 304, Poetry Workshop
MEDST 245, Screenwriting**
**(Media Studies department consent required)

Area 4: Additional Electives (9CR)
Any of the courses listed for Areas 1-3 may count toward the Additional Electives category. Courses may not satisfy more than one area requirement.


Check out these FAQs!
Q. I receive financial aid through TAP. Will financial aid cover writing minor courses?
A. Yes! TAP grants will cover courses you take for your declared minor.

Q. I’m currently taking a writing-intensive (W) course. Does that count toward the writing minor?
A. Probably not. Unless the course is explicitly a writing course listed on our advisement sheet (see attached), it does not count toward the writing minor.

Q. Will my internship count toward the minor?
A. It can. Students with writing-related internships may enroll in English 2993, our Internship course, which counts towards Track 1: Writing for Professions. To learn more about internship opportunities, please reach out to the Queens College Center for Career Engagement and Internships. To apply for the Internship course, please email Professor Tougaw ([email protected]), Director of Internships.

Q. Can I declare the writing minor if I am doing a B.S. and not a B.A.?
A. Yes! This makes no difference.

Q. By when do I have to declare the writing minor?
A. There’s no deadline; you can declare the minor any time during the academic year. Please email [email protected] to get in touch with an advisor.

Q. Are your Writing Minor classes online or in-person?
A. This will depend on the semester, but there will likely be more in-person offerings than online ones.

Q. Who can advise me about the writing minor?
A. Professor Silyn Roberts ([email protected]) and Professor Weingarten ([email protected]). You can email us for advising or schedule an advising meeting with us through QC Navigate.

Q. Can I be an English major or minor and a writing minor?
A. Yes! And you can count the same courses toward the English major/minor and the writing minor. English majors can only count three creative writing courses toward the English major.

Q. Will you be offering different writing classes each semester?
A. Yes, we hope to rotate through the courses listed on our advisement sheet and offer a range of courses every semester.

Q. Does English 210W count toward the writing minor?
A. Yes! English 210W: Intro to Creative Writing and all our 200 and 300-level creative writing courses count toward the writing minor. If you’re interested in creative writing, you can take 12 of your 18 credits in creative writing to fulfill the writing minor requirements.

Q. I still have questions! How can I get more information or advising?
A. Please email Professor Silyn Roberts ([email protected]) and Professor Weingarten ([email protected]) with any questions. You can also schedule an advising meeting with us through QC Navigate.