Oct. 27th Against… Genre, History, Nation

Monday, October 27, 2014 @ 10 am–5:15 pm
Rosenthal Library, Room 230

The faculty of the English Department at Queens College presents a conference on the futures of literary studies.

Genre, History, Nation
against, prep., conj., adv., and n.

I.1b. In a direction facing; towards, forward to, so as to meet.
II.2.a. In active hostility or opposition to; so as to fight with or attack (verbally or physically).
II.3. Opposed in tendency or character, contrary to; not in conformity with.
III.7.b. In exchange for, in return for; as an equivalent or set-off for; in lieu of, instead of.
V.15. Near, adjoining. VI.17.a. In contact with, supported by; in immediate proximity to.
(Oxford English Dictionary)


10:15–10:45 AM
Coffee and Welcome

10:45 AM–12 NOON
Against History
Duncan Faherty [chair], Jeffrey Cassvan, Miles Grier,
Steven Kruger, David Letzler, Livia Woods

12:15–1:30 PM
KEYNOTE LECTURE “Space, Scales, and Remains: Some Evolving Conceptual
Thresholds in Our Time”
Rey Chow, the Anne Firor Scott Professor of Literature, Duke University

1:30–2:30 PM

2:30–3:45 PM
Against Genre
Talia Schaffer [chair], Dara Barnat, Carrie Hintz,
Siân Silyn-Roberts, Jason Tougaw

4:00–5:15 PM
Against Nation
Natalie Léger [chair], Seo-Young Chu, Annmarie Drury,
Gloria Fisk, Rahul Gairola