Kimiko Hahn

  • Hahn Brain Fever book over
  • Hahn Toxic Flora book over
  • Hahn Narrow Road book over
Distinguished Professor Klapper Hall, Room 702 718-997-4712 [email protected]

Research Interests

I often research material that works its way into creative writing. Aside from such random-seeming research, I am interested in Twentieth Century poetry, Japanese literature, BIPOC+ authors, Feminism.

Creative Writing Interests

My subject matter has ranged from folk tales, coal mining, entomology, science in general to aspects of Japanese and Asian American culture, such as the life of artist Isamu Noguchi. Current writing has been divided into formal poems (glosa, pantoum, etc.) and their “ghosts” as well as zuihitsu.

Teaching Interests

I regularly teach poetry workshops. I am keen on re-envisioning creative writing pedagogy for my graduate workshops and craft classes. The latter have recently been cross-genre such as “Closure Is Not the End” and “Hybrid-Texts.” I regularly teach Japanese forms such as the zuihitsu on and off campus. Further, my teaching interests often dovetail with services to the field, in particular, promoting the chapbook.

Selected Publications

Foreign Bodies (New York: W.W. Norton, 2020)

Brain Fever (New York: W.W. Norton, 2014)

Toxic Flora (New York: W.W. Norton, 2010)


Dovetail, a hybrid poetry and prose collaboration with Tamiko Beyer (Sleepy Hollow, NY: Slapering Hol Press, 2017)

Selected Creative Writing in Journals

“Forecast, or Starting with Weather, Just, Warm, Trust,” The Agni Review, 2022

“The Calculation of Nothing,” The Iowa Review, 2022

“On Pleasing,” The New Yorker, January 17, 2022

Selected Articles

“Learning from Poetic Closure,” American Poetry Review, vol. 51, no. 1 (2022).

“The Zuihitsu and the Toadstool,” American Poetry Review, vol. 50, no. 2 (2021).

“Mothering,” foreword for She Holds a Cosmos: Poems on Motherhood, edited by Mallory Farrugia, Chronicle Books, 2021.