Assistant Director of Graduate Studies
Klapper Hall 323
[email protected]
Research and Teaching Interests
Twentieth-century literature & evolutionary theory; modernism; film, animation, and media studies; cultural studies; affect theory; gender and sexuality studies; critical animal studies; history of cybernetics.
Selected Publications
“Queer Modernist Animals.” In progress, forthcoming in Contemporary Queer Modernism, ed. Melanie Micir (Routledge).
“If That Which Is at All: Notes Toward an Allotheory of Grace E. Lavery.” ASAP/Journal 6.3 (September 2021): 731-752.
“The Natural World and the Anthropocene.” In The Oxford Handbook to Virginia Woolf, ed. Anne Fernald. Oxford University Press, 2021.
“Pandemic Epistemology: Neoliberalism, Fascism, Modernist Studies.” PMLA 136.3 (May 2021): 475-482.
“Late Registration: Universal Agency & the Cultural Logic of Compulsion.” Invited contribution to “A Symposium on Asad Haider’s Mistaken Identity: Race and Class in the Age of Trump.” ASAP/J (June 2019).
“Steps to a Weak-ology of Mind.” Invited response to Special Issue on Weak Theory. Modernism/modernity Print Plus, vol. 4, cycle 1 (April 2019).
“Modernist Style and the Paradox of Pedantry.” Invited response to Patricia Willis essay on Marianne Moore and William Blake in Twenty-First Century Marianne Moore: Essays from a Critical Renaissance (Palgrave: 2017). Marianne Moore Society Forum (Spring 2019).
“Animation.” Gender: Animals, ed. Juno Salazar Parreñas. Macmillan Interdisciplinary Handbooks (Farmington Hills, MI: Macmillan Reference USA, 2017): 333-346.
“On Falling Fastidiously: Marianne Moore’s Slapstick Animals.” English Literary History 83.3 (Fall 2016): 873-898.
“Joyce’s Indifferent Animals: Boredom and the Subversion of Fables in Finnegans Wake.” Modernist Cultures 11.2 (Summer 2016): 179–205.