March 24th – A Reading By Scott Cheshire

Queens College welcomes back one of their own:

Scott Cheshire, QC alum and author of the incredible novel *High As The Horses Bridles,* is back to read from his debut novel. Come out, come out and celebrate!

Reader Bio:

Scott Cheshire is a proud Queens College Alumnus and CUNY graduate who tends to write stories that take place in Queens. He is the author of High As The Horses Bridles. His work has been published in AGNI, Guernica, Harper’s Magazine, One Story, and the Picador Book of Men.

This reading, which is cosponsored by the Queens College MFA in Creative Writing and Translation along with Writing @ Queens, is free and open to the public. A reception with light refreshments, along with a book signing will follow in the lobby.

See you there!