Dr. Shanna Benjamin will give a short talk and Q&A on Thursday, November 12 from 12:15- 1:30 pm. To get the Zoom link to join email [email protected].
Dr. Benjamin will be discussing her forthcoming biography of Nellie McKay, who was a prominent and trailblazing scholar of African American literature. McKay also received her BA in English from our department in 1969, and Professor Benjamin will be sharing some of that history.
Please attend this exciting lecture about Nellie McKay and her very cool Queens College English Department connection! You can read a bit about her in advance of the talk in the obituary published by The New York Times here: https://www.nytimes.com/2006/01/28/us/nellie-y-mckay-who-championed-black-writers-dies.html
You can pre-order Dr. Benjamin’s book here: https://uncpress.org/book/9781469662534/half-in-shadow/