Congratulations Ryan Black and Livia Woods, winners of College teaching awards

Dear Colleagues,

This year the College is awarding teaching awards to one full-time faculty member and one part-time member in each division of the College.

It’s my pleasure to announce that the winners of the Arts and Humanities Division teaching awards are Ryan Black (full time faculty) and Livia Woods (part-time faculty).  Congratulations to both for well-deserved recognition of their stellar teaching of and service to the students of our department.

I’d add that the awards were adjudicated by a divisional committee made up of representatives drawn from five different departments.  And they chose two from English!

The awards will be presented before the Wednesday, November 2nd State of the College address by the President.  I hope you can make it to that event to celebrate the excellent teaching by English faculty that Livia and Ryan represent.

All best,