Rhoda Sirlin

Doctoral Lecturer
Klapper Hall, Room 709
[email protected]

Research Interests

Fiction and nonfiction of William Styron, and contemporary American women playwrights.

Teaching Interests

I teach English 243, 326, 308, and other 300 – level English electives. I have also taught graduate level courses: 638, 681 and 791. I have directed numerous MA theses on American drama.

Selected Publications

Interviews With Contemporary American Women Playwrights. McFarland & Company, Inc. Forthcoming 2023.

Sophie’s Choice: A Contemporary Casebook. Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2007.

William Styron’s Sophie’s Choice Crime & Self-Punishment. UMI Research Press 1990.

Instructor’s Manual For The Borzoi Book Of Short Fiction, Alfred A. Knopf 1983.


William Styron’s Posthumous Publications, The Southern Literary Journal 45.1 (Fall 2012): 63-70

“Sophie’s Choice: An American Voyage into the Mystery of Inequity,” Modern Critical Interpretations: William Styron’s Sophie’s Choice. Ed. Harold Bloom. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, 2002. 167-210.

“William Styron’s Uncollected Essays: History Collides With Literature.” The Southern Literary Journal 30.2 (Spring 1998): 54-65

“William Styron’s ‘A Tidewater Morning’: Disorder and Early Sorrow.” The Southern Literary Journal 28.1 (Fall 1995): 85-93