Edward Currie

Adjunct Assistant Professor  
[email protected]  

Articles and Book Chapters

“Endangered at birth: from Paul the Deacon’s Lamissio to Agnellus of Ravenna’s Aistulf” in Neohelicon (March 2025).

“The Composition of the Offa Digression and Its Rhetorical Purpose in Beowulf” in ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews (Feb 2022).

“Political Ideals, Monstrous Counsel, and the Literary Imagination in Beowulf.” Imagination and Fantasy in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Time: Projections, Dreams, Monsters, and Illusions. Edited by Albrecht Classen (Walter de Gruyter: 2020).

“The fly-net in Judith: Anglo-Saxon Perceptions of an Assyrian Ruler” in Studia Neophilologica (2020).

“Hygelac’s Raid in Historiography and Poetry: The King’s Necklace and Beowulf as ‘Epic’ ” in Neophilologus (2019).