Immigrants Matter

From President Félix V. Matos Rodríguez:

We at Queens College have always embraced our mission of serving students from all backgrounds. In our ambitious and talented students, we see young women and men who pursue higher education with the strong desire to improve their lives and communities. It is a privilege for us to work with our diverse student body, which hails from over 150 countries. We also welcome faculty and staff who bring international perspectives to the learning process. Our immigrant heritage is not only the history of our nation, but also the best hope for our future.
In light of recent developments on the federal level–including executive orders relating to travel bans and judicial actions-it is important that members of our community who may be affected by recent changes in immigration policies have a place where they can find accurate and timely information. I urge students and others who have a question about immigration to visit the college’s new Immigrant Services website. This website will frequently be updated to keep up with policy changes, and in particular will link to state, city, and CUNY responses as appropriate.
As always, Queens College students and visiting scholars from overseas can direct any questions they have to our International Students and Scholars Office in King Hall 207 (718-997-4440; Faculty and staff also can contact the Queens College Office of the General Counsel (718-997-5725; email and copy
Members of our community who do not have US passports and come from one of the seven nations whose citizens are currently blocked from entering the United States for 90 days–Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen–can find helpful information provided by the CUNY Law School here. CUNY Chancellor James B. Milliken has recommended that anyone from one of these seven countries should avoid travel outside the United States until the issues surrounding enforcement of the president’s order are clarified (read his recent messages here, Executive Order, CUNY Newswire).

CUNY’s Citizenship Now! (CN!) Office is also offering advice and assistance to students, researchers, visiting scholars, and interns who may need help.

If you have been detained while trying to enter the United States, or are still abroad and need guidance, contact CN! attorney Isabel Bucaram by text, phone, or WhatsApp at 646-860-5678. You can also write directly to, and CN! will follow up with a phone call if necessary.

If you are here in the US, regardless of your immigrant status, the best advice is do not travel abroad if at all possible until we have more clarity about ongoing developments. Anyone with questions is encouraged to contact CN! at citizenshipnowinfo@cuny.eduClick here for CN!’s listing of immigration centers and contact information and hours for City Council members who offer information on immigration issues through a CN! representative.

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo has also established a New York State Emergency Immigration Resource Hotline–1-888-769-7243–for people who know travelers who have not yet arrived at their final destination.


I urge you to encourage all members of our community who need assistance to avail themselves of the college’s services. Students seeking counseling should contact Counseling Services on the first floor of Frese Hall (718-997-5420; hours M, Th, F, 9 am-5 pm; Tues & Wed, 9 am-7 pm; and Sat., 10 am-3 pm). They may also contact Peer Support Services in the Student Union, Room LL37 (718-997-5419; hours M & Th, 9 am-5 pm; Tues & Wed, 9 am-6 pm).


Faculty and staff seeking counseling should contact the Deer Oaks Employee Assistance Program, 1-888-993-7650 (login and password is CUNY).


These are challenging times but, as I have previously shared with you, we must face these challenges with the fundamental belief that our future as a country is built on the premise that we are all invested in each other’s success. We will support and protect the members of our community, particularly our students, to the best of our ability, and in close coordination with our governmental, institutional, and community partners.