
Preregistration is an early registration period for majors and minors that comes before the “official” registration period begins.

Coming Soon! Registration for Fall 2025

The Summer schedule of classes is now available on CUNYFirst. The Fall schedule will be available April 22.


Preregistration through the English Department is now over, but please reach out to an advisor if you need help with your Spring or Winter classes by emailing [email protected].


Spring and Winter English courses:

Additional information

  1. Preregistration forms will be processed starting Thursday Oct 31 in the order received. You will only be contacted if there is a problem with your request. We cannot register you before Oct 31 or after November 1.
  2. English majors need certain classes to fulfill area requirements. You can find a complete list of classes that fit those areas here: Which electives satisfy my English Major
  3. After preregistration week, the following schedule applies:
    • Oct 31: Seniors and department preregistration
    • Nov 4: Graduate Students
    • Nov 5: Juniors and 2nd BA students
    • Nov 6: Sophomores
    • Nov 7: Freshmen
    • Nov 11: New students (including freshmen transfers and non-degree seeking visiting students)


Undergraduate advisement hours: Starting Wednesday Oct 23, Profs. Silyn Roberts and Kruger will have extended advisement hours for English majors, minors, and Writing minors needing help with preregistration. Appointments for Virtual Zoom meetings are required through QC Navigate.

MA students needing advisement should email Prof. William Orchard ([email protected]) or Prof. Cliff Mak ([email protected])

MFA students needing advisement should email Prof. Jason Tougaw ([email protected]) or Prof. Briallen Hopper ([email protected])

English Honors Program

Read more about the honors program and apply for next year’s honors seminar here.

UndergraduateMA and MSEdMFAAdvisement forms
If you have any questions about registering for the Fall, please email [email protected], and you will be put in touch with an advisor. If you are an English major or minor, and would like to make a Zoom advisement appointment, please visit QC Navigate to set up a time:

If you are a non-major and interested in taking one of our General Education courses (ENGL 151(W); 153(W), 157(W), 162(W), and 165W), please be advised that we cannot over-tally students into closed sections of these classes.

Please note that any General Education course with the designation “SK” is restricted to students in the SEEK program, and is not open to general enrollment. All English courses in the ENGL 170W-300 range are only open to students within the English major or minor. Writing minor students may take 200- and 300-level writing workshops.  Other departments are offering courses in the Spring that satisfy the College Option Literature Requirement, and we encourage you to check the course offerings on CUNYfirst in Comparative Literature, East Asian Studies, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, History, Italian, Middle Eastern Studies, Russian, or Spanish. For a full list of courses that satisfy all Pathways, College Option, and W requirements, please visit Queens College General Education.

MA and Accelerated MA students should contact either Prof. William Orchard ([email protected]) or Prof. Cliff Mak ([email protected]) directly.
MFA students should contact either Prof. Jason Tougaw ([email protected]) or Prof. Briallen Hopper ([email protected]) directly.